The Wild Offering Oracle Wholesale

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The Wild Offering Oracle deck includes 52 cards. Each card has a prayer or message on the front, framed with a unique, nature inspired design on each card. The back of the deck has a floral and elephant design on a dark background. Each card has a great message to remind you who you truly are and Lights up the path to your transformation over time. The gorgeous artwork and short but powerful messages combine to make a simple card deck become your new favorite item. The Wild Offering Oracle tarot addresses a particular situation - aging, ambition, money, regrets, solitude, travel, truth - with a thought or invocation that encourages you to offer your pain to the Divine and call in Divine Will for the highest outcome. It can be used as an oracle where the Divine guides you to a specific card, or as a fun way to get helpful reminders from the Divine to carry with you or put on your altar. This is a lovely deck that would be amazing for connecting with your angels.

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